Although science gives us more options it has not changed our biology YET

With science women no longer need to nurse their kids or stay home or even have kids. We now have options so where is the problem? Well the problem is that our biology has not changed as fast as science giving us these options has, and although one day it may very well change we are not there yet. Our brains still respond to the same things they did before these options arose and so a world designed to make us genuinely happy and fulfilled does not actually require these options. We are designed for a world without options, and we are designed to find happiness in that world.

Now I am in no way saying options are bad and we should not use them, I am simply saying that when deciding which of the options we should pick if we are searching for fulfillment and happiness we should keep in mind that we were designed to find happiness in the world that existed before the options feminism glorifies even existed.

A note on how the options feminism glorifies only exist through science and would not be found in nature or our evolutionary history:

Feminist and MRA seek male-female equality. Equal pay, do not open the door for me if you would not open it for a man, equal number of stay at home dads and the list goes on. But this idea directly contradicts our biology, and in fact can only exist if propped up by science. Biology has tailored men and women for different roles and although I am sure evolution can make it such that one day we will all be the same sex and men will no longer be stronger than women and women will no longer be the only ones capable of getting pregnant; or rather with the use of artificial wombs women will lose their ability to get pregnant completely, at this moment in time evolution has not reached there.

Without birth-control for example, women would be getting pregnant far more often and without formula she would be tied to her offspring for at least the first 2 years of its life. During that time, someone would need to go out into the world and bring her back food/money. Birth control though, allows women not to get pregnant and to stay out in the world for longer and formula or the science of freezing one’s expressed milk allows anyone to parent children; fathers/daycare/grandmothers. Take away these things and in my opinion women will only be left with two choices; attach to and depend upon one male, or whore oneself out to many males. So it is back to the very natural choice between getting married or being a whore. I do not mean to make one sound better than the other; all I mean to say is that feminism does not work without science.

But with science it seems to work and all of a sudden, with science we have a new option. Women no longer need to nurse their kids or stay home or even have kids. Women can go find their own food and let others care for her kids while she is at it. We now have more options so where is the problem? Well the problem is that our biology has not changed as fast as the science giving us these options has. Our brains still respond to the same things they did before this option arose and so a world designed to make us genuinely happy and fulfilled does not actually require this third option. This third option is a great thing to have, but again only when we appreciate the fact that we were not designed with this option in mind can we actually use it to tap into our psychology and find happiness.

Additional thoughts:

Although in theory we could have a more biologically compatible society by changing every single thing about this society and starting fresh, it is not very practical for the individual and doing things like breastfeeding and being near your child are only really possible if the individual decides to work with the ”patriarchy”. Working with the system as it is will give most people a much better chance at an organic lifestyle. Working with the system as it is will allow most people to have children and to care for their children in a way that brings joy. That does not mean that we should not try to change anything about the system that we have today but it does mean that we should seek to identify problems with the system and change those problems rather than imagining an entirely new world where everything is different. Do not throw out the baby with the bath water!